Donnerstag, 22. September 2011

f8 | live

You can watch Facebooks Developer Conference f8 live here:

Dienstag, 13. September 2011

Your Photos in Facebook-Ads

If you want to prevent Facebook from using your Photos in Facebook-Ads:

Chose "Account" in the top right corner.
Chose "Account Settings"
Chose "Facebook Ads" on the left.

click "Edit third party ad settings" in the middle. Then chose "No one" in the drop-down menue.
(See picture below)

For clarification: The feature of using your photos for Facebook-Ads is not active on Facebook yet.

Mittwoch, 10. August 2011

Hacker Group Anonymous wants to destroy Facebook

According to @mashable the Hacker Group Anonymous wants to attack Facebook in a way that would render ist useless to it´s Users.

According to a statement by Anonymous
Anonymous wants to "kill" Facebook on November 5.

As reasons for destroying Facebook Anonymous states the missing privacy of facebook as well as Facebook giving Information to Government Agencies and Information Security Firms.

Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2011

Facebook Partys in Germany

After there was a facebook Party in Wuppertal, Germany with 800 last week. There was a call to participate in a Facebook Party in Bochum to which 50.000(!) have been invited. Since the person that sent out the invitations did not use his/her real name the profile did not comply with facebooks Terms of Use and was deleted after the City of Bochum talked to the Police and to Facebook. It is strongly recommended not to invite to or attend huge Facebook Parties since the risk of injurie for participants is high of the location is not suited for the number of attendees.

Freitag, 27. Mai 2011

Facebook is BIG! ....

... pretty hard to imagine how BIG facebook really is.
On the german News-Site SPIEGEL @saschalobo wrote an Article that explains a little about the sheer size of Facebook.
Facebook is the biggest Website in the World (pageviews). And Facebook ist bigger then the 2nd to 100th biggest Websites combined.(!).
Facebook has as many Pageviews in 2 days as all German Onlinemedia combined.
You can find the (german) Article here

... schwer vorzustellen wie groß Facebook wirklich ist.
Auf der deutschen Nachrichtenseite SPIEGELonline hat @saschalobo einen Artikel geschrieben in dem auch ein bißchen dazu erklärt wird wie groß Facebook wirklich ist.
Facebok ist die größte Website der Welt (pageviews/Seitenaufrufe) und Facebook ist größer als die zweitgrößte bis 100erst-größte Website der Welt zusammen.
Facebook hat in 2 Tagen so viele Seitenaufrufe wie alle deutschen Onlinemedien gemeinsam.
Der Artikel ist hier zu finden.

Freitag, 13. Mai 2011

Maxwell Salzberg of Diaspora @ re:publica 2011

I wrote about Diaspora before. Basically it's an open source Project for a Social Network, that does not store User-Data on one Server but distributed.

Here is a great talk by Max Salzberg about the Project. The talk was given at re:publica 2011 which is the biggest Blogger-Conference in Europe.

Donnerstag, 24. März 2011

Social Media Safety Belt: How to Navigate Facebook Settings

via @mashable

Mittwoch, 9. März 2011

Samstag, 19. Februar 2011

FBI wants access to Social Networks

According to German News-Site Spiegelonline the FBI wants to access iChat, Xbox, Twitter and more. After 20 years of Lobbyism the FBI doesn´t strive for a general Key for all encrypted Commuication anymore. Instead the FBI wants to expand the US-Evesdropping/Wiretapping rules CALEA to Social Networks.

For the FBI the the means of accessing electronic communication are not enough anymore. So they started lobbying for controlling Microblogs like Twitter and Social Networks as well as Chatservices like iChat. At the same time the investigators pass on the right to have a universal key to all encrypted communication that is accessible in the US.

Since the early eighties the FBI and the NSA have repeatedly claimed extended rights for access to Telecommunication. In 1994 this was successful when Telecom- and Internetproviders were committed to provide interfaces for public authorities.

Since then CALEA expands as soon as a new form of communication or a new protocol becomes popular. In 2006 CALEA was expanded to include Voice over IP.

There is speculation that today the NSA Controls the whole Internettraffic including Emails with a system called NarusInsight which is directly connected to the Internet Backbone.

See the Original Article here (german)