Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010

The CEO and Founder himself...

....has answered some questions about privacy concerns and announced some changes to the general privacy settings on facebook. Some may have read the article in The Washington Post already that is found here.

Mark Zuckerberg also wrote a post on the official facebook-blog that is found here.

[edit] The Electronic Frontier Foundation (eff) has published a detailed step-by-step description on how to get more privacy on facebook here [/edit]

And talked a few minutes on Video about the same issues:

Montag, 24. Mai 2010

Apology by Mark Zuckerberg

The CEO of (@facebook) has apologized. According to mashable (@mashable) he admitted making mistakes concerning privacy in a private email reply to @scobleizer (see the full response here).

I guess there is so much controversy about facebboks privacy, that it is a threat to facebook. Admitting a mistake is great. Where else do you see people admitting mistakes in traditional business? It is hard to tell if an apology will regain the trust of those Users who are already thinking about leaving facebook...

Samstag, 22. Mai 2010

Alternative Social Networks

Since facebook has been in the Media for the last couple of weeks alternative Social Networks seem to see their chance to offer a decentralized, distributed, open-source network (peer-to-peer technology). In other words there is no large corporation or one single person who owns your data. Instead every User in the Network owns his or her own Data.

One such Network that has been very present in the media the last few days is diaspora. Their Idea is interesting and they found enough people to back the idea financially. They needed about $ 10.000. On May 13th they already had $ 50.000 in funding. A short while after that they had $ 100.000 in funding. As of today they already have more than 180.000 in funding [click]

Freitag, 21. Mai 2010

Facebook "like" Button

As you may know it´s possible to build the "like" button into your website or blog. It´s a great way to make the web more social. I build the "like" button into this blog as well. In the footer of every blogpost you can click it if you like the post. If you click (and you are logged in to your facebook account) it appears in your timeline and other facebook-friends who are interested in the same topic become aware of the blog or website you just liked.

As I learned today via @9elements in this article there is a potential downside to the button: If you don´t log out on facebook and keep moving through the web facebook would technically be able to track every site you watch as far as the site has the like button implemented as well. It won´t be long until the like button will be everywhere, because everyone who creates content would love to get facebook-traffic directed to his or her website/blog. So if you want to avoid being tracked everywhere log out of facebook before you continue. Just to be clear: I´m not sure if facebook actually does track the sites you visit (and probably nobody is) but it´s possible.

Montag, 17. Mai 2010

Facebook: Facts you probably didn´t know

Facebook: What You Probably Didn't Know
[Source: Online PhD Programs for]